5 mesos, 22 setmanes, 158 dies i 3792 hores ha passat des que aquest bloc es va inaugurar. Durant tot aquest temps, us hem explicat tot el que necessiteu saber sobre Irlanda (les seves tradicions, els balls genuïns...) i les principals diferències amb Barcelona.
Però encara no volem dir adéu i per això, durant aquest estiu, us continuarem aportant informació i coses interessants.
El dia 14 de setembre de 2014, aquest bloc posarà punt i final al seu recorregut, després de 231 dies amb vosaltres.
Gràcies, moltes gràcies. I bon estiu!
5 months, 22 weeks, 158 days and 3792 hours has
passed since this blog was opened. During all this time, we have explained
everything you need to know about Ireland (traditions, dance...) and
the main differences with Barcelona.
But we still don't want to say goodbye and that's why, during this summer, will continue providing information and interesting things.
On 14 September 2014, this blog will put an end, after 231 days with you.
Thank you, thank you very much. And happy summer!
But we still don't want to say goodbye and that's why, during this summer, will continue providing information and interesting things.
On 14 September 2014, this blog will put an end, after 231 days with you.
Thank you, thank you very much. And happy summer!
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