


James Joyce was born on February 2, 1882 in Dublin, Ireland. He published "Portrait of the Artist" in 1916 and caught the attention of Ezra Pound  With "Ulysses," Joyce perfected his stream-of-consciousness style and became a literary celebrity. The explicit content of his prose brought about landmark legal decisions on obscenity. Joyce battled eye ailments for most of his life.  

"Poetry, even when apparently most fantastic, is always a revolt against artifice, a revolt, in a sense, against actuality”
                                                                                                                                       James Joyce

Joyce was one of the most revered writers of the 20th century. His explorations of language and neW literary forms showed not only his genius as a writer but spawned a fresh approach for novelists, one that drew heavily on Joyce’s love of the stream-of-consciousness technique and the examination of big events trough small happenings in everyday lives. 

His family, consisting of several brothers and sisters, enjoyed relative ease and his father enjoyed great popularity as having the best tenor among fans of Ireland. By contrast, his father liked drink and his lack of attention to the family finances meant the Joyces never had much money. 

From an early age, Joyce wasn’t showed only his intelligence, also a gift for writing and a passion for literature. As a result of his intelligence, her family pushed him to get a good education. Largely educated by Jesuits, Joyce attenden the Irisch schools of Clongowes Wood Colllege and, finally, at the University College Dublin. Therefore, he had an Arts degree
(Clongowes Wood Colllege)
Joyce stayed in Ireland for a short time and in this time he met Nora Bernacle, in a hotel chambermaid from Galway. Later, she became in his wife. Around this time, Joyce also had his first short story published in the Irish Homestead magazine. The publication picked up two mor Joyce works, but this star of a literary career wasn't enough to keep him in Ireland. In 1904, he and his wife, move to Italien. 

Joyce continued to write and in 1914 he published his first book, Dubliners. Two years later Joyce put out a second book, the novel Portrait of the Artists as a Young Men. While not a huge commercial success, the book caught the attention of Ezra Pound, who praises Joyce for his unconventional style and voice. 
The same year that the Dubliners come out, James Joyce created a new novel: Ulysses. Experimental novel that tries each of its episodes or adventures not only to condition, but also to "produce" their own literary art. In this work are chapters written journalistic mode or even imitating the catechisms. Then, he published "Portrait of the Artist"

In 1939 Joyce published Finnegan’s Wke, his long awaited follow up novel, which, with its myriad of puns and new words, proved to be an even more difficult read than his previous work. Still, the book was an immediate success, earning “book of the week” honors in the US and the United Kingdom, not long after debuting. 

In the end, following an intestinal operation, the writer died at the age of 59 on January 13, 1941 at the Schwesternhause Hospital.  He is buried in Fluntern cemetery in Zurich. 

The Joyce's works are still present in Ireland and always had a troubled relationship with his political and historical reality and conflict. Its narrative innovations and exquisite technique by which disintegrates the conventional language and folds of another, entirely personal, symbolic and intimate at once, and the ironic and deeply human dimension, however, runs throughout his work, become one of the most influential novelists of the 20th century. 

(Short sumary of his life)

Araby plot
The main story of the book is based on the life of a young boy. He, who lives with his uncle, has a sad and boring life. Despite the fact that in a moment of history he fell in love with a girl.  From this event, he will begin to experience new sensations.

The young boy spends most of his life playing with her friends. There comes a time that this changes. This is because it begins to fall in love with a girl, which, according to him, she is extremely beautiful. Taking this into account, he can't help but admire her from the window of his room. There comes a time that he is so enamored of her that he spies everywhere it goes. Fortunately for the young boy, he, at one point in the plot, gets to talk to her. He, after a conversation with her and found out that the girl would like to go to Araby but she can't go, the boy decides to go to this place and bring her a little detail.   When the day came to go to Araby, he traveled on a train carriage; which empty vat.

The narrator when went to Araby he realized that it wasn't a nice place. He had to pay admission to an annoying place, where most shops were closed and those that were open had a bad service. When the boy realizes that this isn't the appropriate place, before going away, he decides to buy her a gift for her beloved. When he is going to buy a present for her, he realizes he doesn't have enough money.  As a result of this, the guy, with a sense of sadness, must go home.

Joyce’s book Dubliners
Dubliners are a collection of fifteen short stories, which were published by James Joyce in 1914. These stories are inspired around Dublin, Ireland. These stories are about the company that was in Ireland during the twentieth century. Mainly, these stories try to reflect the social problems they had in Irish culture, consequently the Catholic Church. 

Mi intención era escribir un capítulo de la historia moral de mi país, y escogí Dublín para escenificarla porque esa ciudad me parecía el centro de la parálisis”

James Joyce
The titles of these fifteen stories are:
   · The Sisters
   · An Encounter
   · Araby
   · Eveline
   · After the Race
   · Two Gallants
   · The Boarding House
   · A Little Cloud
   · Counterparts
   · Clay
   · A Painful Case
   · Ivy Day in the Committee Room
   · A Mother
   · Grace

   · The Dead

Joyce’s works
Started in 1904 in Dublin, and completed in Trieste in 1914. These are 15 sets of books.
The stories, written in a highly realistic style, try to reflect the stagnation and stagnation that had come to Dublin society in the early twentieth century.

It was initially published in the form of serial in the magazine The Egoist from 1914 to 1915, and as a book in 1916, although it was started as such in 1907's.

Portrait is the story of a boy named Stephen Dedalus, who represents the alter Joyce ego, so many episodes in it based on the real life of the writer appear.

The story recounts a single day in Dublin. The date: June 16, 1904, the same day that Joyce and Bernacle met. On the surface, the novel follows the story three central characters, Stephen Dedalus, Leopold Bloom, a Jewish advertising canvasser, and his wife Molly Bloom, as well as the city life that unfolds around them. 

Ulysses is also a moder retelling of Homer's Odyssey, with the three main characters serving as modern versions of Telemachus, Ulysses and Penelope. 

It appeared in 1939, two years before his death in the London publisher Faber & Faber. During the creation process, which lasted over nearly twenty years, he had been known as Work in Progress. In the early years, Joyce moved much in the book, but since 1930 the progress was slower. This was due to several factors. Among the most important are definitely the mental illness that afflicted his daughter Lucia and his own health problems, especially with the view. Source representing Anna Livia Dublin Plurabelle, character Finnegans Wake.

He is author of two books of poems unique: Chamber Music (1907) and Poems blocks (1927). 
                                       IV                                                                        XXIV
(Chamber music)

Begun shortly after the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, and published in 1918. It is a psychological study on a middle-aged couple. The work seems to refer to a previously published story, "The Dead" (in Dubliners), but also points to Ulysses, started more or less on the same dates.


Bloomsday is an annual festival celebrated on June 16th that commemorated the life of Irish writer James Joyce and his work.

This celebration relive the events of the famous novel called Ulysses that happened  on the same day in Dublin in 1904. 

The famous book "Ulysses"
The main character of "Ulysses", Leopold Bloom

The name of this celebration comes from the main character of the story Ulysses, Leopold Bloom. Also this date (June 16th) was the first meeting between Joyce and who was to become his wife, Nora Bernacle. 

James Joyce and his wife Nora Bernacle



Oscar Wilde is an Irisch writer who was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin. Oscar Wilde is the best Known for the novel “The picture of Doran Gray” and the play “The Importance of Being Earnest”, as well as for historical Infamous arrest and imprisonment for Being Gay.

A veces podemos pasarnos años sin vivir en absoluto, y de pronto toda nuestra vida se concentra en un solo instante.

Noted for his work, especially in theater, which portrays the true face of the notable society of his time. Demonstrated in each of his work was a great connoisseur of human thought and behavior.  The success of Oscar Wilde is due to only one reason: it is one of the finest writers of contemporary literature, endowed with high qualities, talent,  originality, wit and critical thinking. His work, imbued with a width value of universality, is friendly and understandable to people of all latitudes. 

His life
Oscar’s father was a renowned physician who was knighted for his work as medical adviser to the Irish census. Later William Wilde founded the Eye Hospital San Marcos. The mother, Jane Francesca Elgee, was a poet, had a profound influence on later writing of his son.
Wilde was an intelligent and studious child. After graduation, he was awarded a scholarship from the royal School of attending Trinity Collage Dublin where he received a scholarship again.

In 1874, Wilde received the Berkeley Gold Medal for best student in their school and the Demyship scholarship for study at Magdalen College, Oxford. At Oxford , Wilde continued to excel academically , receiving marks first level of the examiners in both classical and classical moderations . It was also at Oxford that Wilde made his first sustained attempts at creative writing. In 1878 , the year of his graduation, his poem " Ravenna " , won the Newdigate Prize for the best composition in English verse by a student at Oxford.

Upon graduation again, he moved to London to live with her friend. There, he continued to focus on wirting poetry, publishing his first collection, a year later, Wilde traveled to NYC to embark on a lecture tour of the USA. At the conclusion of his tour of America, returned home and immediately started another lecture circuit in England and Ireland.The May 29, 1884, Wilde married a rich Englishwoman named Constance Lloyd. They had two children.

Later Wilde began  an affair with a young man named Lord Alfred Douglas. Douglas' s father, the Marquess of Queensberry, who had heard the case and Oscar ended in a trial where he was told that there would be in jail for two years.

Wilde was released from prison in 1897, physically exhausted, emotionally exhausted and broke. Went into exile in France, wheres, living in cheap hotels and apartments of friends, had met briefly with Douglas. These Wilde wrote very little in recent years.

Finally, he died in 1854.

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